Star News English

Dr. Paul Hamod Denounces Pager Explosion, Calls on International Community to Address Terrorism in Lebanon

In a strong statement, Dr. Paul Hamod has condemned the recent explosion of pager devices in Lebanon, describing it as a blatant act of terrorism that threatens the safety and security of the Lebanese people.

Dr. Al-Hamod emphasized the urgent need for the international community to take decisive action against such violent acts that undermine stability in the region. He expressed deep concern for the victims and their families, urging for immediate support and solidarity from global leaders.

“This incident highlights the escalating threats facing Lebanon, and it is imperative that the world stands together to combat terrorism in all its forms,” Dr. Al-Hamod stated.

He called upon citizens and governments alike to unite in the fight against extremism, stressing that a collective effort is essential for the restoration of peace and security in Lebanon.

Dr. Al-Hamod’s passionate plea resonates with many who seek a safer future for their communities and underscores the importance of international cooperation in addressing the root causes of violence and instability.

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