Star News English

Dr. Paul El Hamod proposes replacing UNIFIL forces with the US Army to address the crisis in Lebanon

In light of the deteriorating security and economic situation that Lebanon is suffering from, and as a result of the attacks that targeted the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), political activist Dr. Paul El Hamod proposed a solution to this crisis, which requires achieving long-term stability in Lebanon and the region.

El Hamod stated in a statement: «With the increasing security challenges and the increasing frequency of attacks on UNIFIL forces, it has become difficult for these forces to perform their duties effectively, In addition to the financial burdens that Lebanon bears as a result of financing the presence of these forces on its lands.»

He continued, saying: «Based on the strong relationship between Lebanon and the United States of America, as well as the American projects aimed to supporting Lebanon in the military and political fields, I propose that UNIFIL forces be replaced by the American army, in the process of monitoring the security situation and preserving the southern Lebanese border, with a focus on enhancing the capabilities of the Lebanese army to confront security challenges, benefiting from direct American support and directing funds towards developing the infrastructure and enhancing internal stability.»

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